Resuming the Habit, September Trips

Tuesday, 24th September 2024

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Well, it's been quite a while since I wrote any new entries in the diary. I have been writing the code for this site, which I have actually grown quite fond of, even though it only has a few things. I transcribed the previous entries, which I already had saved in a Word document; so now I take the opportunity to resume this writing habit, even if I don't do it daily. A lot has happened since last month: among the highlights, I can talk about the travels.

One weekend, I traveled to Levalle to visit the drummer of my band. I was able to meet his friends, whom I liked very much. We played 21 basket, and that night we went to the abandoned silos to have some mate. The next day, we went to the lake to grill some hamburgers, which were delicious. After that, we went to Kreps' house: we played bocce, walked on the dunes, and had a lot of fun. It has been a good trip.

Last Wednesday, I went to visit the National University of Río Cuarto; there was an open house event, and they were giving talks about the programs they offered. I was very interested in the Computer Science program, and the university seemed big and beautiful for studying. I was able to visit the student residences; university life isn't so bad.

As for today, it was a quiet day, not much to report. Quite a bit of work in the morning; we didn't do much at school, just to say that I managed to read more than 50 pages of Norwegian Wood, that's enough to say.